What is I-ching (Book of Changes) About I-ching Readings And its Difficulties I-ching (translated Book of Changes) is one of the classic books of the Confucian canon. The word "ching" indicates a sacred work that enjoys awe and respect. It was used as divination tool, sometimes in conjunction with the tortoise shells.
Chinese sovereigns and princes consulted the book on the most diverse issues, such as political, wealth, health, wars, the meaning of dreams, and so on. Its importance is also proved by its survival from the arson of books ordered by the Chinese emperor Ch'in Shih-huang-ti, in 213 AD.
Tradition has attributed the creation of this unique work to Fu Hsi, the mythical ancestor, who invented many other useful things. It is said that he had been the witness of a miraculous phenomenon that put him in contact with the eight trigrams (pa-kua), forming the basic structure of the I-ching.The legend says that while he was walking on the banks of the Yellow River, he saw a dragon coming out of waters and wearing on his back the signs of the eight trigrams that he copied by drawing them with his finger, on the sand.
It is all agreed that I-ching contains the essence of Chinese spiritual doctrines and that it has influenced everything that was consequently conceived. Nobody can deny its importance in the Taoism too.
I-ching is a collection of essays on 64 lineal figures made up of six continuous or discontinuous lines. The continuous lines _____ represent the yang principle, and the discontinuous ones __ __, the yin one. The 64 hexagrams are assigned names such as: Creative (Yang), Difficulty at Beginning, Caldron, Marrying Maiden, Progress, Contemplation... that definitely describe typical situations or human conduct. __ __ Each hexagram also contains a Judgment (many times offering oracular predictions) and short texts explaining the meaning of each individual line.
Though many consider I-ching a philosophical book, we must stressed that it has always been used as an oracle. There are two methods of consulting: with coins or yarrow stalks. The coin method is the easiest one. One may also use the online applications that shapes the hexagram and explains their features, much like the one we use on this site. (see below).
The most difficult thing when we ask a question are the phrasing of the question and the understanding of the texts assigned to the hexagrams and their lines. I-ching may answer your question by saying: "one should cross the great waters". This sentence is a prediction and must be understood in the context of the actual question. But can you grasp the connection between your questions and I-ching's answer? No, you can't! So you must address an I-ching expert to help you with the question and the meaning of the answer. All the sites that offer free I-ching readings for layman doesn't put it clear: you won't be able to decipher the answers by your own. Soon or later you'll be sent to the expert and you should pay for his/her expertise.
The most important contribution to the spreading of this famous divinatory book in Europe was that of Richard Wilhelm. He was a Christian missionary in China where he met Lao-nai Hsuan, a descendant of Confucian school, who effectively helped him to translate the book into German. More than a simple translation, Wilhelm also added his comments to the 64 hexagrams and lines. Carl Jung suggested the Cary F. Baynes English version, and it was also him who added a substantial introduction to this version, where he explained with examples the way the book works as oracle. This is the most important contribution to the explanation of the divinatory practice in the West.Online Resources:
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