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Links to sites
with I-ching content

I Ching Online
Consult the I Ching oracle online and save your reading in a personal account.

A very interesting version: http://livingiching.com/hexagrams/index
You can read the meaning of each hexagram and the questions asked.

I-ching Discussion Group on Google Groups
A place where you can discuss on I-ching issues. You can even ask for free online support with your answers!

The I Ching or "Book Of Changes": A Chinese Space-Time Model and a Philosophy of Divination
Benjamin B. Olshin PhD
(download PDF)
https://academicjournals.org/journal/JPC/article-full-text- pdf/3D6DEA057109

The Gnostic Book of Changes
Provides a comparative version of hexagrams.

Hand-crafted sets of I Ching yarrow stalks at

Hand-crafted sets of I-ching yarrow stalks

Reciprocal links.
You may link to this site and ask for reciprocal link as well. Please place a link pointing to our site (https://www.taopage.org/iching/) on your site and send us an email with your site url, title, description, and the url of the page with the link back to us. Send your request to support@taopage.org with subject "reciprocal links" (without quotes).

Please note that we link with I-ching sites only.



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Updated:   Wednesday, May 29, 2024

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